Daily Archives: October 15, 2011

Very Nice Space Videos

Right after a Star Wars post, I bring you a post of some realistic videos of outer space. =D

These are pretty incredible. If you go to Youtube to watch them, you can set them to super HD and watch fullscreen. Very, very nice. Footage of earth from the international space station and similar. Well worth a view.






This one has some religious stuff dubbed over, just mute it if you find it annoying, the video is still amazing.

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Star Wars Roundup

Being a gigantic Star Wars geek, while blindly ignoring how badly Lucas continues to defile the canon with Clone Wars (Gungans defeat Greivous in hand to hand combat?!? Really?!?!?!), and despite the Old Republic mmo news getting stupider and stupider, I tend to run across a lot of interesting Star Wars related stuff.

However, being a lazy bastard, I never seem to actually get around to posting any of it.

So here’s a big batch of stuff I’ve found all in one giant serving.

Let’s get the ball rolling here with a slightly gruesome one:

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