Tag Archives: Stormtrooper

Improv Everywhere Star Wars Subway

Improvisation group Improv Everywhere stages a Star Wars scene on the New York subway.


ALERT! Urgent incoming messages from the corporate alliance!

New Era Star Wars Baseball Caps

In the latest round of crazy Star Wars related merchandising, the Japanese branch of baseball cap manufacturer New Era has released a series of Star Wars themed baseball caps, including leather and shiny metallic representations of Darth Vader, R2D2, C3P0 etc.

They are a little pricey at around $50-60 U.S. each, and I don’t know if I’d wear one out in public, but definitely an interesting piece to have in the collection =)

News Release on Starwars.com:

Japanese store offering the entire selection:

ALERT! Incoming Transmission!

Makazie One – Star Wars Fan Film

A very well done Star Wars fan film (also, holy crap, actual content on the site, I’m just as surprised as you =)



Makazie One – Star Wars Fan Film from Clutch on Vimeo.

Set in the Star Wars universe during the time period between Episodes III and IV, an elite soldier has been sent to track down and destroy a known threat to the Empire through intense ground battles and haunting imagery of death that surrounds the environment. The unsuspecting enemy to the new Imperial order has no idea what he is up against when the two finally meet for an action packed surprise ending.