Monthly Archives: January 2010

Ducktales in Arabic

Again, posted this over at the site, but again worth a repost, and I think it fits into the geek/childhood retro category well enough to be worth a post here.

Totally immature and ridiculous, but the sense of incongruity I get from watching something so from my childhood and yet so different just makes this video hilarious.


ALERT! Urgent incoming messages from the corporate alliance!

Hilarious Walmart Clown Commercial

Posted this over at and although not strictly a geek thing, it’s so goddamn funny, I think it deserves to be posted more than once.


ALERT! Incoming Transmission!

New Era Star Wars Baseball Caps

In the latest round of crazy Star Wars related merchandising, the Japanese branch of baseball cap manufacturer New Era has released a series of Star Wars themed baseball caps, including leather and shiny metallic representations of Darth Vader, R2D2, C3P0 etc.

They are a little pricey at around $50-60 U.S. each, and I don’t know if I’d wear one out in public, but definitely an interesting piece to have in the collection =)

News Release on

Japanese store offering the entire selection: